The idea is the result of several metaphorical concepts, which build a three-dimensional space at Literature and Language Center – Planet LEM (Stanislaw), named by us ANISOTROPICAL UNIVERSE (...shouted Trurl...). The design is made of smaller Elements of the Machine, which form a combined form, rectangular blocks glued together, stacked on each other. Its unnecessary elements left in the city space infect the area, radiating to the city in the form of spatial lumps, sculptures and installations that act visually, light and sound. Created, changing space of the Universe, whose architectural, artistic and intellectual elements interpenetrate, reflect and interfere. All machine elements (individual blocks) are connected by an irregular spatial-communication axis. It builds a tangible, materialized vision of the Cosmic Tree inside. The whole is overgrown with Cyberplasmatic Garden, literally and metaphorically growing from below, the rectangular blocks of Planet LEM; while building a garden of temporary educational, exhibition, outdoor auditorium.