Complex architectural projects and completions - residential, retail, healthcare and office space as well as commercial and public


Unique and copyrighten completions of architectural elements, furniture, photography, all in public spaces and interiors


Copyright design and completions in comprehensive cooperation - the architectural designs of interiors together with the interior finish of small or large space


KUMSTUDIO is an innovative architectural office designs all type of buildings without limitation, provides investment advice, construction site supervision, interior designs with execution works and creates copyrighten furniture. Our ultimate goal is to treat individually each customer or investor and related investment issues. With full commitment approach to each topic, regardless of its size or complexity; consider all legal conditions, economic and aesthetic.

“All projects created in our studio are individual, unique and copyrighten – that is our main goal.” – architect Łukasz Skorek

Łukasz Skorek, one of the Winner of Europe 40 under 40 Award of the year 2019; The European Centre of Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design.



We prepare complex projects for each development: starting from analysis and estimation of the legal status of plots and their capabilities; designing the architectural concept, the functional program, complex building permit project, multi-branches execution project, interior design, technical specifications, estimated budgets, up to supervision on building site.


KUMstudio Łukasz Skorek is implementing a project co-financed from European Funds:

“Increasing the resistance of Łukasz Skorek KUMstudio to random factors through the implementation of software and the purchase of fixed assets used to change the process of performing a photo session and processing photos.”
The aim of the project is to increase the use of digital technologies in the activities carried out by KUMstudio. This goal will be achieved through the purchase of software and the purchase of fixed assets necessary to implement digitization.
Funded as part of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Project value: 180800 PLN
Co-financing of the EU project: 153680 PLN


Public institutions or the companies that have trusted us, with whom we have realized our architectural projects


KUMSTUDIO sp. z o.o.
ul. Bandtkiego 3/1
30-129 Kraków

NIP: 6762611337
REGON: 521184608
KRS: 0000952344


T. +48 606 387 035

