District of New Technologies – HUB (stage VI)
Katowice, Poland
EXPO pavilion 2025
Tokyo, Japan
Himalayan Mountaineering Center in the name of Jerzy Kukuczka
Katowice, Poland
New Headquarters of the County Office
Torun, Poland
Podhale Science and Technology Centre – FAB LAB
Czarny Dunajec, Poland
Recreation and Park Complex – Tuliglov Lagoon
Krasnystaw, Poland
BLACK wooden house
malopolska, Poland
Bilingual secondary school – Open Future International School
Krakow, Poland
Modern villa
Cracow, Poland
Complex of semi-detached houses
Cracow, Poland
Multi-family housing
Podkarpackie voivodeship, Poland
Lookout House
malopolska, Poland
Triple House
malopolska, Poland
Building from the interwar period
Cracow, Poland
Urban complex of twin buildings
malopolska, Poland
Centre for Literature and Language – PLANETA LEM
Cracow, Poland
Mountain cottage
Orava, Slovakia
Historical Museum of the City of Krakow – Old Synagogue –
Cracow, Poland
Reconstruction of a modernist villa
Cracow, Poland
Minimal & Optimal House
nearby Warsaw, Poland
Office building TWINS
Cracow, Poland
Hanging House
Swoszowice, Poland
Tram depot with bicycle shelter
Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland
Twin buildings QUATTRO
Cracow, Poland
Reconstruction – Railwayman Theater
Cracow, Poland
Translators College of Books Institute
Cracow, Poland
Reconstruction on headoffice of Malopolska Institute of Culture
Cracow, Poland
Renovation of the entrance portico of bourgeois villa
Cracow, Poland
Corten House
Lesser voivodeship, Poland
Architect in Erick van Egeraat associated architects (EEA)
Center of Education & Library
Brzesko, Poland
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